About Environment Forests & Climate Change Department
The Environment Forests & Climate Change Department, Government of Mizoram is responsible for the scientific management of the forests in the State. It works with a vision to achieve well-stocked high-quality forests with rich bio-diversity for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring environmental stability while meeting the forest-based needs of the local people. Its efforts are aimed at increasing the area under forest cover and enhancing the quality of existing forests with active participation of the local people.
In the past, the Forest Department had been effectively working in the State. However, when Mizoram was made a “Union Territory” in 1972, the State Forest Department was strengthened by appointing a Director as its head. This post, which was earlier of the rank of “Conservator of Forests”, was upgraded as “Chief Conservator of Forests” in 1983. Two circles – Northern Circle and Southern Circle – were created in 1984. In 1987, the Department was renamed as Environment and Forests Department and the post of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests was also created.
Presently, there are 3 territorial circles with 13 divisions and one functional circle -Conservator of Forests (Planning & Development) - with 4 divisions in the Department. The wildlife wing is headed by the Chief Wildlife Warden (CWLW) in the State.
Most of the officials in the Department have been suitably trained in the subjects related to the management of forests and the preservation of wildlife. The trained manpower is the core strength which enables the Department to effectively implement various planned schemes. In addition, active involvement of the local people through the mechanism of “Joint Forest Management” has significantly helped the Department in its efforts to enrich and protect the valuable forest wealth of the State.